Great Baby Food Giveaway – Sponsored and Promoted by Lilly Pots

 Lillypots is turning 1 year old!

Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday to Lilly Pots and the fabulous Tam, inventor extraordinaire and super daddy. He’s giving the gifts in an amazing birthday giveaway.

To help celebrate @lilly_pots (on Instagram)  1st birthday An AWESOME MAMA BEAR is going to win this amazing prize.

It’s international! The giveaway gifts are:

*  Annabel Karmel book and freezer tray.
*  $50 US Dollars cash
*  Super healthy kids plate
*  OOGAA dinner set and place mat.
*  201 Organic baby recipe book
*  Qubies freezer tray
*  Wholesome babyfood book
*  Babyprepsunday E-book
*  Cheeky Chompers teething bib
*  Numnuminc spoons
*  Amy Roskelley Smoothie book
*  Lillypot

There will also be 3 runner-up  prizes!  Go over to Instagram @lilly_pots to enter – now 🙂