This soup is almost like a casserole, with the same big flavor and creamy goodness. And yes, there are even some chunks of chicken and vegetables that little fingers can pick up and self-feed from a bowl or plate. Winner […]
Chicken Soup for Babies and Toddlers – the Easy Way
It’s true what the book says about chicken soup being good for the soul. A good warm bowl of homemade chicken soup can lift the spirit and chase away the blues and yes, it even helps hasten the departure […]
DIY Roasted Tomato Soup – Share with Baby
This tasty and simple Roasted Tomato soup is hearty and warming. Serve with a bacon and tomato grilled cheese sandwich and you have a classic comfort-food and warm Fall or Winter meal. What age is it best for you to […]
When Life Hands You Pumpkin, You Make Soup and Biscuits
Today I made a few yummy things with pumpkin! It is Halloween after all 🙂 I want you to remember, and please keep in mind, that you should NOT use that Jack-o-Lantern to make food with. You can learn more […]