Fear Of Moving From Purees To Texture and “Chunks” Many parents become gripped and paralyzed with fear when it comes time to move baby from purees to chunky texture and table foods. Myself included! The fear of letting baby begin […]
Dangerous Food Items
Nitrates – Carrots & The Nitrates and the Homemade Baby Food Myth
You may have been told by your pediatrician or a friend or a website on the internet, that it’s best to not make your baby homemade baby foods or that you should not make certain types of vegetables due to […]
Oh No! Nitrates in Homemade Baby Food – The scary homemade baby food myth that grows from mis-information
On 12 September 2013 pediatrician and author Dr. Joanna Dolgoff appeared on Fox News to talk about the British study indicating that homemade baby food was more nutritious than store bought baby food. I was eager to hear what the […]
Microwave Cooking Homemade Baby Foods – Using a Microwave to Cook Baby Food
If there is one thing that may be missing in The Wholesome Baby Food Guide book, it’s instructions for how to cook each recipe in the microwave. I believe in baking, roasting, sauteing, or steaming the foods that I feed […]
Rice and Infant Cereal – Arsenic and First Foods for Baby
Arsenic in Rice In light of the recent arsenic in rice scare, many parents are once again in a panic over whether they should feed their babies commercial rice cereal. Arsenic in rice has been a known issue for many […]
Rice Cereal, Aresnic and First Foods for Baby
In light of the recent arsenic in rice scare, many parents are once again in a panic over whether they should feed their babies commercial rice cereal. Arsenic in rice has been a known issue for many years and it […]
Baby Cereals in Canada Recalled – My Organic Baby
From the Canadian News Wire – 26 January am The Food Inspection Agency along with a York Region-based company are warning the public not to consume four types of baby food. The brand in question is “My Organic Baby” and […]
Salt in Baby Food Recipes?
Babies Do Not Need Salt In Their Foods Every once in a while parents write to ask about adding salt to their babies foods. Adding salt to babies’ foods is not a good idea and is just not needed! Why […]
Baby Food Fruits & Potassium Sorbate in Dried Fruits
We have had a few emails asking about Potassium Sorbate in dried fruits. Our visitors wonder two things: 1. Can you tell me if Potassium Sorbate in Dried Fruits is as bad as Sulphur Dioxide? 2. Is Potassium Sorbate Harmful […]