You may have been told by your pediatrician or a friend or a website on the internet, that it’s best to not make your baby homemade baby foods or that you should not make certain types of vegetables due to […]
Forbidden Foods
Mango and Strawberry Mix – Baby Food Outside the Jar!
Colorful Fruit Mix Just looking at the happy sunny colors of this chopped dish makes me smile. There is always something about the fresh colors of fresh food that just makes me happy. Add Color To Create Interest Color can […]
Friends and Relatives Try to Feed Baby Inappropriate Foods!
In early December, we ran a poll asking our visitors if they would offer their babies a “special” holiday treat during the Holiday season. The poll was split with NO at 48% and YES at 52%. We decided to do […]
Honey – On the “Least” Allergenic List?
From 13 January 2008 – Why is Honey on Your “Least” Allergenic List? Charlene wrote to us questioning the foods listed on our Allergy page. “I am wondering why you have honey on the list of least allergic foods? Honey […]